Maths for early years

Jack and the Beanstalk Resources and Activities
A 40 page pack of Jack and the Beanstalk Activities for Early Years. A range of fun and brightly coloured resources, activities and worksheets to make your classroom stand out.
Order the beanstalks by height
Beanstalk number line
Beanstalk number writing practise
Put the leaves in number order on the beanstalk
Count the golden eggs
Measure with beans
Jack and the beanstalk 10 frame
Jack and the beanstalk 5 frame
Jack and the beanstalk counting
Jack and the beanstalk counting game to 10
Jack and the beanstalk counting game to 15
Count and clip cards to 6
Jack and the beanstalk writing
Jack and the beanstalk story telling cards
Jack and the beanstalk pencil control sheet
Jack and the beanstalk colouring pictures
Jack and the beanstalk vocabulary cards

Traditional Tales Bundle
Get all of my traditional tales in one bundle pack and save money.
The 3 Little Pigs is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision to The 3 Little Pigs using my activity pack to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes 31 pages of activities which includes:
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering activities
Number mats
Colouring Pictures
Design your house sheet
Mud puddle, number cards and pigs
Feelings Worksheets
Directed drawing - pig
Pig and piglets photo
A 57 page pack of Gingerbread Man Activities for Early Years. A range of fun and brightly coloured resources, activities and worksheets to make your classroom stand out.
Number display
Put the correct number of buttons on the gingerbread man
Match the numbers to the number of buttons
Draw the correct number of buttons on the gingerbread man
Put the gingerbread men in number order
Gingerbread men/lady 5 frame mats
Gingerbread men/lady 10 frame mats
Gingerbread men/lady digit cards
Gingerbread men pattern sheets
Join the dots - gingerbread man/lady
Gingerbread man wanted poster
Gingerbread man drawing sheet/play dough mat
Gingerbread man sentence writing
Gingerbread man story sequencing
Gingerbread man vocabulary charts
Gingerbread man colouring picture
Gingerbread man letter cards
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision to Goldilocks and the 3 Bears using my activity pack to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes 45 pages of activities which includes:
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering by Size activities
Counting Worksheets
Colouring Pictures
Join the dots pictures
Display pictures
Pattern Worksheets
Goldilocks and the three bears game
Tasting porridge activity
Count and clip cards
Directed drawing - bears
Writing Sheets
A 40 page pack of Jack and the Beanstalk Activities for Early Years. A range of fun and brightly coloured resources, activities and worksheets to make your classroom stand out.
Order the beanstalks by height
Beanstalk number line
Beanstalk number writing practise
Put the leaves in number order on the beanstalk
Count the golden eggs
Measure with beans
Jack and the beanstalk 10 frame
Jack and the beanstalk 5 frame
Jack and the beanstalk counting
Jack and the beanstalk counting game to 10
Jack and the beanstalk counting game to 15
Count and clip cards to 6
Jack and the beanstalk writing
Jack and the beanstalk story telling cards
Jack and the beanstalk pencil control sheet
Jack and the beanstalk colouring pictures
Jack and the beanstalk vocabulary cards

The Gingerbread Man Activity Pack
A 57 page pack of Gingerbread Man Activities for Early Years. A range of fun and brightly coloured resources, activities and worksheets to make your classroom stand out.
Number display
Put the correct number of buttons on the gingerbread man
Match the numbers to the number of buttons
Draw the correct number of buttons on the gingerbread man
Put the gingerbread men in number order
Gingerbread men/lady 5 frame mats
Gingerbread men/lady 10 frame mats
Gingerbread men/lady digit cards
Gingerbread men pattern sheets
Join the dots - gingerbread man/lady
Gingerbread man wanted poster
Gingerbread man drawing sheet/play dough mat
Gingerbread man sentence writing
Gingerbread man story sequencing
Gingerbread man vocabulary charts
Gingerbread man colouring picture
Gingerbread man letter cards

3 Little Pigs Activity Pack
The 3 Little Pigs is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision to The 3 Little Pigs using my activity pack to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes 35 pages of activities which includes:
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering activities
Number mats
Colouring Pictures
Design your house sheet
Mud puddle, number cards and pigs
Counting Sheet
Count and Clip Cards
Feelings Worksheets
Directed drawing - pig
Cutting Activity
Pencil Control Activity
Pig and piglets photo

Free Resources to be used with Nursery Maths Assessment Booklet
Cut out and laminate these resources to use in conjunction with the Nursery Maths Assessment booklet. There are shapes to identify, objects to order by height, length, weight and capacity. You may have real objects that you can use but these can be used as an alternative if not. There are also cards to make a pattern and an enlarged picture of the repeated pattern in the booklet to allow children to see it more clearly. Again, if you have real objects that will do the same job then they can be used instead.

Early Years Maths - Pattern Activities
This pack introduces children to repeating patterns in a number of ways. Children can complete the repeating patterns on the coats of the very cute dachshunds/sausage dogs, progressing to designing their own repeating patterns. There is a cat picture full of patterns for the children to identify and colour. There are pattern cards which feature a whole range of objects to demonstrate the diverse number of ways in which patterns can be made. Children can use these to find and match repeating patterns as well as make their own patterns.

Little Red Riding Hood Activity Pack
Little Red Riding Hood is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision Little Red Riding Hood using my Little Red Riding Hood EYFS Activities to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes:
Healthy and unhealthy food sorting into baskets
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering by Size activities
Counting Worksheets
Colouring Pictures
Join the dots pictures
Display pictures
Pattern Worksheets
Goldilocks and the three bears game
Tasting porridge activity
Count and clip cards
Directed drawing - bears
Writing Sheets
Fine motor skills activity
Cutting skills activity
Character Clipart

Comparing Numbers
This Comparing Numbers pack consists of 4 different activities and 12 pages to support children in comparing quantities and introduce them to the vocabulary of more and fewer. The activities are as follows:
Add more/fewer peas to the plate. You could be really specific and add one more, two more, or one fewer etc.
Each player has a row of houses. Roll a die and deliver parcels or letters as you move along the row (use cubes as parcels or pieces of card for the letters). Don’t forget to talk about who has delivered more or fewer. The winner is the first one to deliver a parcel or letter to every house.
Sort the buttons into two jars according to whether there are more or fewer.
Order the picture cards from fewer to more

The Little Dots Activity Pack
The Little Dots Activity Pack can be used alongside the book ‘The Little Dots’ by Alison Flanagan and available on Amazon. There are 20 pages of display posters and worksheets that will support children with instant number recognition and subitising. There are display posters of each of the characters 0 to 5 in two sizes - A4 and half A4. Add them to a display of the Little Dots for the children to have as a visual reference throughout the day and during math’s activities. They could also be used for a variety of games both within and around the classroom. Along with those there are sheets to encourage children to match numbers, write numbers, order numbers and much more.

Part-part-whole Tortoises
20 pages of part-part-whole activities with numbers up to 5. Teach children simple addition and their number bonds to 5 with these part-part-whole activities. The printed sheets can be used with counters, or spots can be drawn on once laminated. There are blank part-part-whole tortoise mats so that you can set your own problems. Children will become familiar with number sentences as they match them to the correct part-part-whole tortoise mat.

Maths Assessment Booklet for Reception
This handy booklet has a range of activities to assess children’s ability levels in Mathematics in relation to the ‘Development Matters 2021’ document. Each activity is linked to a development matters statement up to and including the Early Learning Goal statement. It allows you to assess where children are at in relation to Mathematics when they start school and at different times throughout the year to demonstrate progress. It will also be useful to assess the ability of children entering Year 1 and for SEN children who may not be able to access their own curriculum. The gaps in knowledge displayed in the booklet identify children’s next steps and also inform your planning in terms of delivery.

Nursery Maths Assessment
This maths assessment allows you to assess your nursery children’s progress more formally. The assessments can either be done using practical adult lead activities or through observation and recorded in the booklet. Each question links to the new Development Matters document 2021 and will give you a good indication of which areas your children need to do more work on. The booklet assesses children’s ability to subitise, recognise numbers, use positional language, count etc.
They need to be accompanied with the free practical maths resources.

Number Bonds to 5 Activity Pack
Teach your children number bonds to 5 and a range of other mathematical skills with this activity pack. Encourage your children to count, understand one to one correspondence and composition of number with these cute dogs.

Counting and Number Recognition Pack
This pack consists of a game to support counting and number recognition with the use of a vertical number line. There are two types of game boards both of which have two ability levels. There is a tower and a train track game board, one of which goes up to number 8 and one which goes up to number 18. Each player has a board and either a princess card or a train card depending on which game is being played. At the simplest level children take it in turns to roll a die and move that number of steps. The first one to reach the top of the tower or the end of the train track is the winner and win a prince card or train ticket respectively.
Alternatively, for those children who are a little bit more advanced with their understanding of number, they can play the game using the instruction cards. Children take it in turns to select an instruction card from the top of the pile. They follow the instructions according to what the card says e.g. ‘go to number 4’, ‘2 more’, ‘1 less’, etc. Again, the first one to get to the end of the number line is the winner.
For those children that are ready, there are more and less worksheets for them to complete with a vertical number line down the side of the page to support in finding the answers.
There are also vertical number lines that can be cut out and laminated and used to support with other number activities.
Also in the pack, there are numbered clothes that can be cut out and laminated and used for ordering on a washing line. The clothes can either be ordered or the children could find missing numbers on the washing line that is partly made.

Estimating Activity Pack and Worksheets
This pack provides everything you need to support your children in learning about estimation. It includes vocabulary, signs and worksheets to create an estimation station. There is also estimation homework to reinforce the concept at home. Cut out flaps allow you to cover the jars to ensure that the children only see the buttons briefly before they make their estimation.

Five and Ten Frame Counting
The Ten Frame Printables pack consists of 10 pages of worksheets which support early counting skills in a fun and imaginative way. There are 2 five frame and ten frame worksheets where children need to identify the number of spots. As very young children might find it difficult to write numbers they are given a choice of three numbers and have to circle the correct one. This way, the children can concentrate on their number recognition and subitising skills without the need to form numbers. There are ten frames where children have to draw the correct number of spots and robots where children need to match dot patterns to the correct number. Each worksheet will help to reinforce children’s understanding of number.

Numbers 1 to 3
This activity pack will support children in recognising, ordering, counting writing and making sets of 1 to 3 in a practical and fun way. There are 7 pages and 5 different activities:
Place different windows on the caravans. Add the correct number of people to the caravan.
Order the numbered ice-creams or put the correct number of ice-creams on the numbered cone.
Practise writing the numbers 1, 2, and 3.
Circle the sets of items using the correct colours.
Add the correct number of missing parts to the pictures

Animal Five Frames
A 10 page pack of animal five frames. Blank and numbered five frames to reinforce children’s understanding of number. Dog five frames with different numbers of bones to support instant recognition of quantities and subitising activities. Vertical five frames to allow children to see different arrays of number and five frames to support number formation.

Minibeast Activity Pack
A 30 page pack of minibeast activities which includes:
Minibeast Writing sheets
Minibeast Labeling sheets
Minibeast pencil control sheets
Minibeast colouring sheets
Repeating Pattern Minibeasts
Minibeast Counting
Minibeast Number Line
Minibeast Hunt Checklist
Everything you need for your minibeast topic.

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears Activity Pack
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision to Goldilocks and the 3 Bears using my activity pack to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes 45 pages of activities which includes:
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering by Size activities
Counting Worksheets
Colouring Pictures
Join the dots pictures
Display pictures
Pattern Worksheets
Goldilocks and the three bears game
Tasting porridge activity
Count and clip cards
Directed drawing - bears
Writing Sheets